Monday, January 19, 2015

Pumpkin coconut bars

Yum! These are some good bars. One thing I really liked about them was the consistency. Sometimes these types of flourless bars end up a bit mushy or more like pudding, but these came out a bit more solid. They were very easy, and can be made in just one bowl- no food processor needed. I followed the recipe closely, but added dark chocolate chips instead of breaking up a candy bar. I will certainly revisit this recipe:)

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Spicy cheddar-jalapeno dip

We're heading over to a friend's place for an afternoon of football watching, and I'm taking my own advice: Bring something clean that you will enjoy eating. This dip does the trick with an entire bag of baby spinach and a head of cauliflower; there will be very little guilt enjoying this. I used Greek yogurt instead of mayonnaise and will heat it up once we arrive at their place. But I did sneak a taste, and now I am eager to get on the road;)
Recipe link

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Quinoa, squash and broccoli salad

A friend suggested this salad to me, and right away I knew I had to try it. It's packed with veggies and protein, plus a little cheese. What more could I ask? I made my own quinoa in chicken stock. And I switch the feta cheese for goat. The one real change that I made was trading the cranberries for raisins. Cranberries always have added sugar, which I avoid, but raisins are clean. This might not seem like a big change, but it was. Though I did enjoy it, and will totally make it again, it was missing a little kick. Maybe next time I will add some lemon juice or play with the dressing a bit. There's not much of a dressing, just balsamic vinegar. Also excited that lunch is made for the next few days:)
Here's the recipe.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Peanut butter lentil soup with bulgur wheat and spinach

This soup is true comfort food. It's warm and really filling. The peanut butter is what really makes it yummy. I admit that I wasn't sure I'd like it so much. Lentils are fine, but nothing for me to get excited about. However I was not disappointed and had to go back for another serving. I will be happy to have this for lunch later this week as well.
Mostly I followed the recipe, but since I made it quickly in the morning before school I did not heat the vegetable stock or water as instructed. It didn't seem to matter:)

Monday, January 12, 2015

Insanity Max 30

     I first began my health and fitness journey with Focus T25 DVDs that I borrowed from my coach. I was hesitant to invest in a program if I wasn't going to like it or stick with it. Needless to say, I loved it and got my own set for Xmas. Why did I love it? One huge reason- the workouts are only 25 minutes long. But probably even more of a factor was Shaun T. He is such a special person: positive, funny, cheerful, motivating, and a fine physical role model;)
     Insanity was a program that I had heard about, but it was never something that I thought would be right for me. I figured it would be too hard, and some of the workouts are quite long. I had no reason or desire to even try it. Then Insanity Max 30 came out. Only 30 minute workouts, no equipment, and Shaun T promised to get me even better results. So I put my faith in him, and ordered it on the first day it was available. It didn't hurt that some of my friends were doing it too, and we were excited to be in another challenge group together, this one dedicated to just those who were doing Insanity Max 
   Fast forward 30 days. I have loved every minute! The workouts are really hard, but the whole idea is that you do as much as you can to "Max Out" (take a break) then get back in and continue the best you can. There is a modifier who does a low impact version of everything, and I follow that for some of the drills that I'm not yet able to do or when I'm just not feeling up for the full on workout. 
    This challenge began in early December, which means that I have been doing it all through the holidays. Which also means that I did not stick to the diet plan as much as I normally would have. I enjoyed lots of "cheats" including but not limited to real NY pizza, ice box cake, candy canes, peppermint bark, cupcakes, chocolate babka, truffles, macaroni and cheese, Ben and Jerry's... I'll stop before I embarrass myself further. 
   So how'd I do? I honestly would have been happy to simply break even, but in spite of my holiday indulgences and a few sick days when I could not workout I still made good progress! I lost a total of 7 inches- 3 of those from my waist! This workout is like my soul mate of workouts. Seriously, if I can cheat like that, skip a few workouts, and still make progress?! Imagine what can happen when I am more careful with my food choices! I can't really help being sick. That's just something I've got to live with and take the breaks when I need them. My success has me super motivated for the next 30 days, which will include my 45th birthday. What better gift to give myself than the gift of health and fitness? 
     Contact me if you would like help and support making some changes of your own. I would be more than happy to help:) Email me at or find me on facebook.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Roasted eggplant and tomato gratin

It's been a while since I found a new recipe worth sharing, but this is a good one! I am such a fan of all Italian food, especially anything parmesan. However theses types of dishes are rarely "clean," and I am so happy to have found a healthier vehicle for sauce and cheese. Ha ha!
I did follow the recipe, except I was not in the mood to make my own sauce, so I used a jar of Simply Enjoy from Giant. It's one of the cleanest sauces that I have found, and also one of the cheapest- not usually two things that go together. I wasn't able to cut the eggplant as thin as they suggested, but if I had it would have been even better. Enjoy! 

Friday, January 2, 2015

What is a Challenge Group?

Way back before I started with my health and fitness journey, I had this good friend and neighbor, Cindy, who would join me for the occasional walk in the evenings. At first it was our only form of exercise, at least for me it was my only "workout." Over time, I started noticing Cindy changing. She was happier, more cheerful, and also getting thinner. When I asked her what was her secret, she told me about a Challenge Group that she was participating in that included clean eating, meal planning, workouts, and drinking these shakes. It sounded like a lot of commitment to me, and I just wasn't ready.  But Cindy just kept on improving her life and making progress towards her health and fitness goals, while I got more and more depressed about mine. I decided it was time to commit, and Cindy got me started.

Fast forward only two months, and people started noticing the same changes in me, and they wanted to know how they could get that same success. That was over a year ago, and since then I have become a coach and started leading my own challenge groups. I am so thrilled to be helping my friends and family to improve their lives! How lucky am I that people trust me to guide them through their health and fitness journey?

So, how did I do it? What's this challenge group business all about?
Challenge groups are closed facebook groups; only the members can see what is posted. I usually begin a new 60 day group each month, and it is filled with all kinds of people- from some just getting started to those who have experienced success but like the accountability of the group to keep them on track. Either way, the challengers all commit to the same things: working out, eating clean, and drinking Shakeology once a day. Not everyone does the same workout program; I help them choose the one that best fits their goals, fitness level, and lifestyle. Challengers have my support along with my team of successful coaches. We help teach you about making the best food choices, menu planning, recipe suggestions, scheduling your workouts, managing stress eating, eating out at restaurants, etc. Possibly the best part of the group is the feedback that you get from the other challengers, people who are experiencing the same challenges and helping you to find ways to stick with it. We are here to answer questions, and share in your celebrations. It's OK to brag in a challenge group! In the group you get a ton of positive feedback, and support while you learn how to make healthy changes that will last a lifetime. To me, the group is like a Fitness Family.

If you think you are ready for a challenge group, or would like more information, find me on facebook or email me at