Thursday, August 14, 2014

Three day refresh results

     Ta da! Here I am... three days later and 10 pounds lighter. (I know that's crazy, right! I got on the scale three times because I couldn't believe it either! It's a cheap bathroom scale, so might not be completely accurate, but it's what I used on day one and after.) Also, I lost two inches from my waist and two inches from my hips, no doubt about that. 
    OK, so the numbers are pretty impressive. But how am I feeling? I feel great, and refreshed. Ha ha! Good name for the product, right? The whole experience was a positive one for me. I'm happy with my results, and feeling like I can take the driver seat back with my food choices without going overboard while at the beach next week.
     Would I do it again? Yes, but not anytime soon. I'm not really about quick fixes and shortcuts. My goal is to lead a healthy lifestyle that is sustainable long term. So why did I do it in the first place? I was curious, and I really wanted to see what would happen for me after seeing results from my other friends. I've been wanting to have JLo abs for a while, but not really sure what's required to get them and probably not willing to make that much sacrifice. They say that abs are made in the kitchen, so I decided to find out if this would give me the definition that I desire. I've also been enjoying a few more cheats than usual since I've been on vacation. It's nice to get myself back on track, and I will think twice about those extra treats now that I am so much closer to my goals. Plus I will think back to the challenge of following the 3 day refresh; that should help me to keep myself in check;)

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